As a person who always liked to read, and always wanted to be able to write well, I looked at the ChatGPT phenomenon, as something very interesting. Of course, I was shocked by how fast and precise it is, at the same time I’m so happy that I don’t have to write anything boring again! I think nowadays there are two kinds of writing, the boring one – the one you have to do, because it’s mandatory, because your professor or your boss wants it – and the kind of writing that makes you able to fly, to feel light, while your fingers are dancing on the keyboard, and everything, that was random and without – apparently – a meaning, finally acquire a sense.
What I’m concerned more about ChatGPT are the people that complain about how it is not ‘intelligent’: we have to think that technology evolves really fast and that in five years we’ll have an artificial intelligence thousands of times more evolved than now.
Second thing I worry about is that people don’t really understand that using artificial intelligence means training it: we don’t own this technology as a species, but it’s owned by rich corporations that have a sort of monopoly of complex technologies.
Except for that, I’m, like a lot of other people, very excited about all the possible things that could change. Still, I’m worried by how fragile we are, and how we – humans —, usually are able to make a mess also when we have richness and, above all as the last century can testimony, technology.